The Ego-Development-Profile
This far-reaching development and personality test shows you specifically and in many individual aspects which stage of Ego Development you have reached so far.
Here’s how it works
This far-reaching development and personality test shows you specifically and in many individual aspects which stage of Ego Development you have reached so far.
After completing the questionnaire and the subsequent evaluation by our certified scorers, we will send you a detailed evaluation report of around 20 pages.
Our personally created evaluation report gives you comprehensive feedback on this core aspect of your personality, which will not leave you untouched.
This evaluation report will provide you with many starting points for a better understanding of your current stage of development. You will also receive tips and concrete suggestions there as to which aspects you should take into account in order to promote your further personality development.
The Ego-Development-Profile thus enables targeted support tailored to the respective stage of development – whether by yourself, through coaching or as part of management development programs.
For executives
Develop a new level of personal effectiveness.
For coaches and consultants
Gain a “deeper” understanding and a differentiated coaching approach with ego development.
For companies and organizations
Sustainable change through vertical development.
For private individuals
The Ego-Development-Profile
Recognize your developmental capacities and limitations.
750ā¬ (from 2024)
excl. 19% VAT.
Precise assessment of your current stage of Ego Development
The specific expression (early, medium, late) of your ego development level
An accurate and detailed explanation of your stage of Ego Development (thinking, feeling, acting)
Your structural identity position (i.e. how you position yourself in relation to yourself and other people)
Notes on your stage-specific irritability
Personal comments on specific characteristics and special features of your Ego-Development-Profile (Ego Structure Analysis)
Overview of the Ego Development model as well as its individual stages and what characterizes them
Manufactory for Ego-Development-Profiles
If you order an Ego-Development-Profile from us, you can compare our work most closely with a manufactory. Our work processes and our standards are similar.
Our scoring work follows clear professional standards. We draw on decades of research work as well as numerous own extensions and refinements of the measurement methodology. Compared to scientific research, we set much higher standards for the quality of our scoring work. Because our results directly affect individuals. We are very aware of this and this is our top priority.
Each Ego-Development-Profile is created personally and individually for you by a responsible scorer
Each scorer has several years of training (more than 1000 hours) in this method and has proven that they can determine the stage of Ego Development with a high degree of accuracy (interrater reliability)
We are grateful for the depth and multifacetedness that we have learned and stand for a respectful and responsible handling of the complexity of the topic.
A unique evaluation method
How to measure a person’s stage of Ego Development?
The maturity level of your personality (stage of ego development) cannot be measured by a simple questionnaire to be ticked off. Since this core of personality cannot be experienced directly by you, determining the degree of maturity requires a special and highly complex methodical procedure.
Ego Development is measured via a questionnaire in which you complete 36 sentence beginnings. These are, for example, sentences like:
- “Leading others ….”
- “When they avoided me …”
- “Rules are …”
A decisive advantage compared to many other personality tests
Die Methodik und Auswertung eines Ich-Entwicklungs-Profils sind einzigartig. Grundlage dessen sind die Forschungen von Jane LoevingerĀ (ehemals Professorin an der Washington University, USA). Ihre Auswertungsmethodik wurde immer weiter verfeinert und anhand hunderter Forschungen weltweit Ć¼berprĆ¼ft. Unsere darin ausgebildeten Scorer:innen werten diese SatzergƤnzungen in einem mehrschrittigen und genau dokumentiertenĀ Prozess aus. Dieser vereint strikte psychometrische Analyse der einzelnen Antworten mit einer ganzheitlichen, Kriterien geleiteten EinschƤtzung des Gesamtprofils. Dies stellt eine genaue und zuverlƤssige Bestimmung derĀ Ich-Entwicklungs-Stufe sicher.
Im Gegensatz zu anderen Persƶnlichkeitstests ist ein Ich-Entwicklungs-Profil kaum im Sinne sozialer ErwĆ¼nschtheit zu beeinflussen. Dadurch ist eine unverfƤlschte Messung des gegenwƤrtigen Niveaus der Persƶnlichkeitsentwicklung mƶglich – ohne bewusste Manipulation, SchƶnfƤrberei und vor allem unabhƤngig von eigenem Wunschdenken.
Experience reports from coaches, consultants and leadership development experts.
How do coaches, organizational consultants, trainers and leadership development experts experience the Ego-Development-Profile? How do they work with it? Experienced practitioners, some quite skeptical at first, report on their impressions and experiences here:
Certified users of the Ego-Development-Profileā¢
The following consultants have participated in our multi-day certification workshop on the Ego-Development-Profileā¢ and are certified by Dr. Thomas Binder to use this instrument in their own work:
We are happy to help.
Request a personal consultation appointment so that we can find out together which offer could best suit your questions and ideas.