Dr. Thomas Binder
Founder & CEO
Graduate in Business Administration, Graduate Psychologist
Supervisor (DGSv, SG) Teaching Supervisor (IPU Berlin), Mediator (BM)
For more than 25 years now I have been working as an organizational consultant in change processes, in executive development, as a supervisor and coach for executives.
Ever since I came into contact with constructivist developmental psychology approaches around 1993, I have been fascinated by human growth in the sense of personal maturity. Until 1995, I worked part-time on research projects at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development. There I organized studies on moral development (Kohlberg), coded interviews and trained interviewers. During this time I also got to know Augusto Blasi, one of Jane Loevinger’s closest associates, and became familiar with the Ego Development model that she had been researching for decades.
Through my insight into this research and the immense influence that the stage of Ego Development has on almost all areas of life, especially leadership and consulting, I could not help but familiarize myself more and more deeply with this field. I decided to systematically work through this field in order to make it really useful for consulting practice, coaching and leadership development.
My curiosity led me to meet and learn from the few real experts in this field. Thus I completed various further training courses in England and America (e.g. Robert Kegan, Harvard University) and invited other researchers and consultants to Berlin for exchange (David Rooke, Susanne Cook-Greuter, Otto Laske). I did my doctorate over several years on the topic of ego development of consultants and managers in training programs (longitudinal study). Since 2007 I have been working intensively with the Ego Development model in my coaching, in the development of executives and in the context of management diagnostics. For executives in particular, working on their own level of Ego Development and its limits is a decisive supporting factor in order to be able to implement comprehensive changes, if not transformation processes, effectively and sustainably. I’m always fascinated by the interesting experiences you can have with it and to which parts of the world (from Switzerland to Austria, Spain, Great Britain, USA to Argentina) this has taken me so far.
My consulting assignments are my main task, I also have a few teaching assignments at universities, have led my own change management training for 15 years and am a lecturer in systemic consulting training in the BIF and at Triangel as well as the Parity Academy Berlin. I am a member of the Professional Association of German Psychologists (BDP), which German Society for Supervision (DGSv), which Systemic Society (SG), in the Federal Association of Mediation (BM) and the Society for Research in Adult Development (SRAD). Since 2001, for almost 20 years I have run the regional group Business Psychology Berlin/Brandenburg in the BDP.

Certified ego structure analysts &
Scorers, advisory group
In our circle we are responsible for the qualified and high-quality creation of Ego-Development-Profiles. By sharing and supervising our scoring work, we ensure the high quality standard that is mandatory for all of us. In addition, we discuss technical questions and topics that arise from our scoring, coaching and consulting work, as well as related ideas and concepts.
We share with each other our passion for the topic of ego development. All of us have undergone various longer process-oriented coaching/consulting trainings, are experienced coaches/counselors, and have completed (or are in the process of completing) several years of scoring training in Ego Development, which gives us a deep and multi-faceted insight into how Ego Development manifests.
We are happy to help.
Request a personal consultation appointment so that we can find out together which offer could best suit your questions and ideas.