About the Center for Ego Development
Our work is aimed at anyone who is deeply convinced that there is more to what you think, feel and how you have been acting up to now. And if you are longing for a concrete, accessible approach that will help you and the people who are important to you to develop.

Application and research for Ego Development
Our history
The CED&T was brought to life by me, Thomas Binder, after three decades of intensive work with the ego development model. I am very happy to have found a select group of professionally and personally trustworthy people who share my passion and my professional approach to ego development. People who use their expertise responsibly and without excessive egos to make a personal commitment to ensuring that this topic can make a meaningful contribution to our world.
What we stand for

Science and research

Decades of application experience

Human responsibility
Ego development is an issue that should be handled responsibly. This applies in particular to the assessment of the development stage of a person’s ego, but also what development stages are, how they differ and what influence they have on application-related topics. Here we consider some of the assessments, illustrations and statements of others about ego development to be hardly comprehensible.
Founder and Managing Director
Dr. Thomas Binder
Graduate in Business Administration, Graduate Psychologist
Supervisor (DGSv, SG) Teaching Supervisor (IPU Berlin), Mediator (BM)
I have been working as an organizational consultant and coach since 1995. When I started working on research projects at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development from 1993, I got to know the ego development model. Its scientific foundation and effects on all areas of life fascinate me again and again. In my research on this and in the meantime well over a thousand assessments and consultations with managers worldwide, I have been able to experience ever more deeply the powerful potential that this approach holds for consultants and managers.
Scientific Circle
Our circle accompanies the research, development and application work around the Ego-Development-Profile and the topic of ego development. We are in professional exchange with each other in order to advance and further develop relevant questions and topics related to ego development.
We all have an academic background, have worked scientifically on topics relevant to ego development for several years and share the aspiration to conduct solid research. We have been passionately involved in ego development for more than a decade and, thanks to several years of scoring training, we are familiar with its data basis and the many facets of its content and methodology.

Certified ego structure analysts &
Scorers, advisory group
In our circle we are responsible for the qualified and high-quality creation of Ego-Development-Profiles. By sharing and supervising our scoring work, we ensure the high quality standard that is mandatory for all of us. In addition, we discuss technical questions and topics that arise from our scoring, coaching and consulting work, as well as related ideas and concepts.
We share with each other our passion for the topic of ego development. All of us have undergone various longer process-oriented coaching/consulting trainings, are experienced coaches/counselors, and have completed (or are in the process of completing) several years of scoring training in Ego Development, which gives us a deep and multi-faceted insight into how Ego Development manifests.
Associated consulting company

In addition to managing ZIE&T, I, Thomas Binder, work as an organizational consultant, coach, supervisor and managing partner of Synchronize-Consult GmbH.
Synchronize-Consult is a partner-led, internationally active consulting firm that supports organizations, teams and managers in mastering change processes effectively and in a humane manner. To ensure that these changes are effective and sustainable, we integrate a vertical development perspective into our consulting services. ZIE&T scientifically ensures the quality of our consulting services as a competence center for ego development and (vertical) transformation.
Our value proposition is more than just solving current issues: it is a development process that gives you more flexibility in decision-making situations and in dealing with complex challenges.
We are happy to help.
Request a personal consultation appointment so that we can find out together which offer could best suit your questions and ideas.